
Ensuring we operate in a transparent and ethical way underpins everything we do to ensure we advance aviation and keep the skies safe.

Ethics and professional behaviour

In all our business activities, our approach is to employ best practice in our standards of honesty and business integrity. To ensure this is always the case we use an independent whistleblowing service, to allow for any concerns to be raised confidentially.

Working with our customers

Safety Strategy for 2030

Tax Strategy


Transparency and reporting

We report annually on our financial performance and non-financial performance to ensure that we are as transparent as possible about our operations. We publish reports related to environment, employees, society and community, human rights and anti-bribery and corruption matters. These are published in our Annual Reports, Accounts, Customer report and Responsible Business report.

To view all of our available reports, click here. [there will be a new reporting section in about us]

Annual Reports and Accounts


Ethical supply chain

We recognise that the products and services we procure to support and deliver our business activities can have considerable social and environmental impact. We work with suppliers to identify products and services which offer environmental benefits and ensure that we work with companies that act in a socially responsible manner. We also undertake an annual risk assessment, specifically in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Supply Chain

Slavery and Human Trafficking


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