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Whistleblowing Policy for Customers, Suppliers, Suppliers’ Employees and Contractors


NATS conducts its business with high standards of integrity and honesty and expects the same standards from all employees, suppliers and contractors.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that customers, suppliers, suppliers’ employees and contractors are fully aware that they should report concerns or suspicions about any wrongdoing, unethical practice or criminal acts on the part of any employee of NATS and be assured that any information received will be treated seriously, in line with best practice and applicable law, and as far as possible, confidentially.

What should be reported

There is no definitive list of what would be classified as wrongdoing, but examples include, although are not limited to, the following acts which you reasonably believe have or will take place:

  • A criminal offence including fraud or theft
  • A failure to comply with a regulatory or legal obligation
  • A significant aviation safety event
  • A risk to the health and safety of an individual
  • Dishonesty
  • Bribery or corruption (e.g. accepting incentives in return for awarding business, or receiving benefit)
  • False accounting, reporting or auditing irregularities
  • Breaches of internal policies and procedures
  • Other risks or dangers at work (e.g. breaches of IT security)
  • Any attempt to conceal any of the above matters 

How to report

Reports of suspected wrongdoing, unethical practice or criminal acts should be made to Safecall:

Contact Safecall on:
0800 915 1571

Or report online at:

Or email:

Our response to reports

Once a concern or incident has been reported we will make preliminary enquiries and decide if further investigation is needed. If so, a decision will be made whether this should be conducted internally or whether the matter should be referred externally. Where possible we will advise you of the outcome of any investigations.

Any customer, supplier, supplier employee or contractor who does report their genuinely held concerns will not be victimised or treated less favourably in any way as a result.

Deliberately raising false or malicious allegations is not acceptable and will be viewed extremely seriously.

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