Information handling

Information is an asset. Our data, documentation and intellectual property has significant financial value and needs to be protected just as carefully as we protect our physical assets.

The Protective Marking Scheme helps us ensure information is appropriately secured and is handled, shared and disposed of correctly.

The classification levels align to UK government standards. We require all suppliers to handle our information in accordance with our Protective Marking Scheme classification levels and handling guidance. The information you need can be found on this document, should you need any further assistance please contact the NATS Information Governance Team.


Unmarked NATS Private NATS Protected

Used for general day to day information created by NATS or its employees.

Unauthorised disclosure, loss, theft or publication will not damage our interests or that of our employees.

Information confidential to NATS or its employees.

Unauthorised disclosure, loss or theft would cause some damage to our interests or that of our employees.

Contractor Access to this information should be limited to persons who have a ‘need to know’ in order to carry out their duties.

Reserved for the most sensitive NATS information which requires the highest level of protection.

Unauthorised disclosure, loss or theft would cause serious damage to our interests or that of our employees.

Access to this information should be strictly limited to persons who have a ‘need to know’ in order to carry out their duties.

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