NATS joins North European ANS Providers

09 March 2010

The UK’s air navigation services provider, NATS, is the latest to join the North European ANS Providers (NEAP) organisation, signing a Memorandum of Co-operation today at ATC Global exhibition in Amsterdam.

NEAP, which was formed three years ago out of the original Nordic Co-operation, now includes nine northern European ANS providers. They aim to provide seamless, cost-effective service to customers across their respective airspace, in line with the Single European Sky project.

Eamonn Brennan, Chairman of NEAP and Chief Executive of the Irish Aviation Authority, said: “NATS is a significant player in Europe and the Atlantic and we are very pleased they have decided to come on board. It will facilitate sensible decision making across a wide swathe of north Europe’s airspace.”

Paul Barron, Chief Executive of NATS, said: “We are delighted to be joining NEAP at this point in its development. We bring additional strength to the group and geographically are a good fit, providing even greater opportunities for streamlining services to our customers.”

NEAP’s central focus is on safety, efficiency and environment, seeking common solutions to improving service. The group will align its activities around the North Atlantic interface, as well as with the rest of Europe.

NEAP operates through a Strategy Committee and a Coordinating Committee, and has a Programme Office to coordinate activity on a day-to-day basis.

Notes to Editors

  • NEAP is a collaboration between eight ANS Providers; Denmark (Naviair), Estonia (EANS), Finland (Finavia), Iceland (ISAVIA), Ireland (IAA), Latvia (LGS), Norway (Avinor) and Sweden (LFV).
  • The members of NEAP have a combined airspace of over 13 million km2 and more than five million flights per year. The region reflects the variations in airspace utilisation existing today on a global scale, including high- and low-density traffic areas as well as a huge Oceanic area.
  • NATS handled 2.2 million flights in 2009, covering the UK and eastern North Atlantic and carried more than 200 million passengers safely through some of the busiest and most complex airspace in the world.
  • NATS provides en route air traffic control from its centres at Swanwick, Hampshire and Prestwick, Ayrshire. It also provides air traffic control services at 15 of the nation’s major airports including Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow, together with air traffic services at Gibraltar Airport.

For further information please contact:

Matts-Anders Nyberg, manager NEAP programme office

mobile phone +358 400 458 174, matts-anders.


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