July’s traffic shows 0.6% decrease on previous year as NATS handles millionth flight

12 August 2010

Statistics released from NATS, the UK’s leading air traffic control provider, show that traffic in July 2010 declined 0.6% on the same month in 2009.

While there are some positive statistics, for example a 3.3% increase in transatlantic overflights, the overall picture for UK Flights is still negative.

Other highlights this month:

  • NATS handled its millionth flight on 1st July, just under two weeks later than 2009 when it was on 19th June
  • Farnborough Airport saw a 15.3% increase in traffic this July over the previous year, mainly due to the Farnborough Air Show which ran from 19th to 25th July
  • Oceanic Area Control Centre, which manages air traffic in the Northern Atlantic, achieved a new daily record on 21st July 2010 by handling 1,432 movements.

Traffic statistics for July 2009:

Jul 2010 Jul 2009 % gr 2010 to Date 2009 to Date % gr
UK FLIGHTS 209,635 210,844 -0.6% 1,207,227 1,289,334 -6.4%
Swanwick 182,241 182,932 -0.4% 1,042,808 1,112,422 -6.3%
Prestwick 86,643 88,901 -2.5% 491,933 541,766 -9.2%
London Area Control 174,821 174,283 0.3% 993,053 1,057,508 -6.1%
London Terminal Control 116,548 118,292 -1.5% 693,065 736,193 -5.9%
Manchester Area Control Centre 45,310 46,483 -2.5% 259,044 287,764 -10.0%
Scottish Area Control Centre 52,460 53,901 -2.7% 299,853 327,125 -8.3%
Oceanic Area Control Centre (Shanwick) 38,242 37,884 0.9% 218,782 229,664 -4.7%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 11,640 11,637 0.0% 68,713 72,706 -5.5%
Transatlantic Overflights 18,740 18,140 3.3% 104,190 109,138 -4.5%
Other Arrivals/Departures 131,015 130,899 0.1% 740,263 785,657 -5.8%
Other Overflights 10,172 10,297 -1.2% 56,598 64,438 -12.2%
Domestic 37,573 39,541 -5.0% 233,822 254,586 -8.2%
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  • July’s traffic shows 0.6% decrease on previous year as NATS handles millionth flight

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