Chairman’s Statement

Dr Paul Golby CBE

The pandemic has had a very significant impact on our business and we are reporting a pre-tax loss of £37.8m (2020: £25.3m profit) for the year. The volume of flights we handled fell by 73% from pre-pandemic levels resulting in a similar reduction of our cash receipts.

The company and Board responded quickly at the onset of the pandemic and took decisive action to preserve liquidity by significantly reducing our cost base and, suspending all but essential capital investment. We also negotiated an additional two-year bank facility. In June 2021 we secured £1.6bn from new unsecured bonds and bank facilities and are well placed to mitigate the impact of any further restrictions in air travel.

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CEO’s Review

Martin Rolfe

Managing the impact of Covid and the uncertainty it created was the defining theme of the last financial year. The actions we have taken to maintain a resilient operation, support our customers, secure our long-term finances and reduce our cost base ensure that we are well placed to support the recovery in air travel.

This is an opportunity to build back better and we play an important role in delivering a more sustainable future alongside the industry. This must be accompanied by a new price control that provides the right level of resources to deliver the operational service, technology change and airspace modernisation.

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Key statistics

Key statistics for the year ending 31 March 2021:

total flights handled
decrease in volume of flights
pre-tax loss
of additional CO2 emission savings for airlines
of funding secured

The Highlights

  • Revenue: The loss for the year (£37.8m) reflects the impact of Covid on the group’s revenue and regulatory allowances and the carrying value of its assets.
  • Funding: In June 2021, NERL completed a full refinancing of its debt structure.  It secured £1.6bn of funding by issuing £750m of unsecured bonds and agreeing £850m of new unsecured bank facilities. This enabled the repayment of more expensive secured bonds in place since 2003 and of existing bank borrowings, including a £380m facility agreed in August 2020 which provided additional liquidity in response to Covid.
  • Workforce: Our priority has been the health and wellbeing of our workforce while maintaining a safe and resilient service for our customers.  We have made economies but retained the skills and capacity necessary to safely support the recovery of aviation.
  • Airprox: There were no risk-bearing airprox attributed to our operation during the financial year (2020: one).
  • Price control: The CAA is to determine a new five-year price control starting in 2023, which will include an assessment of the recovery of NERL’s revenue shortfall in years 2020 to 2022.
  • Licence: The Secretary of State for Transport extended NERL’s licence notice period from 10 to 15 years, a clear affirmation of the company’s long-term prospects.
  • Digital Tower: The London City digital tower entered operational service in January 2021.
  • Contract win: Gatwick Airport awarded us a 10-year air traffic control and engineering contract from October 2022.
  • Sustainability: We shared our flight efficiency tool with the global industry.
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