2008’s early Easter break softens March traffic dip this year

09 April 2009

The number of flights in March decreased by nearly nine per cent compared to the same month last year.

Figures released by the UK’s leading air traffic company, NATS, suggest that the early Easter break in 2008 meant this year’s reduction of 8.9 per cent was not as large as it could have been because the holiday meant fewer flights than would normally be the case for that month.

All centres and markets posted a decrease last month. With the exception of Heathrow and Aberdeen, with increases of 1.7 per cent and 2.1 per cent respectively, all airports where NATS provides a service registered a reduction in the number of flights.

Flights to Greece, Germany and Norway went up against declines in all other international destinations. They rose by 21.1 per cent, 0.9 per cent and 7.6 per cent respectively. Airline summer schedules began on March 29.





% gr 2009    to Date 2008 to Date % gr
UK FLIGHTS 178,747 196,304 -8.9% 500,604 562,926 -11.1%
London Area Control Centre (Swanwick) 145,066 159,443 -9.0% 406,765 455,529 -10.7%
London Terminal Control Centre 104,533 112,471 -7.1% 291,215 324,647 -10.3%
Manchester Area Control Centre 39,615 45,937 -13.8% 110,756 132,589 -16.5%
Scottish Area Control Centre 45,571 51,271 -11.1% 128,580 147,377 -12.8%
Oceanic Area Control Centre (Shanwick) 30,772 33,376 -7.8% 88,387 94,982 -6.9%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 10,100 11,200 -9.8% 28,795 32,460 -11.3%
Transatlantic Overflights 14,359 15,792 -9.1% 41,733 45,222 -7.7%
Other Arrivals/Departures 107,517 118,453 -9.2% 299,958 338,373 -11.4%
Other Overflights 8,930 10,485 -14.8% 25,845 29,743 -13.1%
Domestic 37,524 40,044 -6.3% 103,486 116,220 -11.0%
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