Engineering consultancy

Providing vital services to keep the operation safe


Managing the full operational concept, including the changes needed to adopt Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products, system design and procurement management to ensure a total end to end system solution – the effective balance of process, people and technology to operate safely and to maximum capacity.

Securing the cost saving benefit of COTS products, whilst optimising your existing operational capability, in order to get new technology into service quickly with maximum benefit and minimum impact to end customers and investors.

Services offered

  • Designing ATM systems for new builds, including siting of towers and airport infrastructure.
  • Operational concept development including roles, training needs and roster assessment.
  • Modelling of technology and operation cost trade-offs.
  • Operational measures management.
  • ATC building design.
  • Current operations “efficiency” review.
  • Safety ICAO/ISO compliance assessments.
  • Supplier system specification and procurement management.


  • NATS employs approximately 900 engineers that work in the operational environment and therefore understand service impact.
  • Expertise in understanding the full operational impact and dependencies including airlines and other end customer needs.
  • Performance based targets and measurement used in our own business including environment impact monitoring.
  • Major experience in related airspace and ATC procedure changes.
  • We can help select the best supplier products based on our experience of blending a wide range of supplier’s equipment together into full operational service.

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like to know more:

  • By completing this form, you are consenting to NATS holding your personal information. For further details on how NATS manages your personal information please see our privacy notice.

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