Positive start to 2011 as flights rise nearly five per cent

28 February 2011

The number of flights handled by NATS in January was 4.6 per cent up on the same month last year, the first significant monthly increase since the start of the downturn.

Statisticians point to disruption caused by heavy snowfall in January 2010, which was not repeated in 2011, and estimate that, exceptional weather aside, underlying growth would have been between one and two per cent.

Last October saw the first positive monthly increase – of 0.9 per cent – since figures started declining on June 2008.

All centres and markets posted positive figures, except “other overflights” (aircraft flying through UK airspace from Asia and Europe to and from Ireland), which shrank by 1.3 per cent.

Airports where NATS provides a service also recorded growth with Aberdeen (10.5 per cent), Glasgow (10.3 per cent) and Gatwick (9.1 per cent) the biggest gainers.



% gr
UK FLIGHTS 159,075 152,066 4.6%
Swanwick 137,041 130,472 5.0%
Prestwick 63,754 61,877 3.0%
London Area Control 130,722 123,828 5.6%
London Terminal Control 94,187 89,785 4.9%
Manchester Area Control Centre 32,603 31,572 3.3%
Scottish Area Control Centre 39,668 38,965 1.8%
Oceanic Area Control Centre (Shanwick) 30,426 29,178 4.3%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 9,604 9,099 5.6%
Transatlantic Overflights 14,517 13,523 7.4%
Other Arrivals/Departures 96,524 91,639 5.3%
Other Overflights 7,242 7,339 -1.3%
Domestic 30,879 30,213 2.2%
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