NATS awards major contract to Indra for next iTEC milestone

31 July 2017

NATS has contracted strategic partner Indra to deliver the next generation of iTEC (interoperability Through European Collaboration), the technology necessary for modernising air traffic management systems.

This critical contract forms an integral part of NATS’ investment plan over the next 10 years and will enable the transformation of the company’s air traffic control operations in support of a Single European Sky.

The contract has been designed to encourage and enable close collaboration between NATS and Indra. It will also require working collaboratively with other key NATS suppliers for the development and integration of the next version of the Flight Data Processor (FDP) and Controller Working Position (CWP) systems, established within the iTEC Collaboration. It also specifies Indra’s support for getting iTEC into full operational service at Prestwick and Swanwick control centres. This builds upon the previous successful delivery and transition of the iTEC system into NATS’ Prestwick Centre Upper Airspace last year, for which Indra was awarded NATS Supplier of the Year.

Rob Watkins, Technical Services Director, NATS said, “iTEC provides the most advanced technology for  air traffic control operations and is core to our transformation programme as we modernise our capabilities. Once in place, the new systems will reduce controller workload, increase individual flight efficiency and support greater overall traffic capacity in UK airspace. iTEC is key to the future success of managing some of the busiest airspaces in the world and we’re delighted to be working with Indra in delivering the next generation of iTEC into our operation.”

Rafael Gallego, Indra Director General, ATM European Programmes with Rob Watkins, NATS Technical Services Director

Tim Bullock, Director, Supply Chain, NATS, said, “I am delighted that we have awarded this major contract to Indra. This signifies another key milestone within our strategic relationship and the continuation of NATS and Indra’s long track record of collaboratively working together in the development and delivery of critical systems to support the delivery of our services to our customers.”

This is the first contract NATS has awarded to Indra within a new 10-year Framework Agreement, which was established in May 2017. This agreement shapes and governs NATS’ commercial relationship with Indra until 2027 and during this time will support the delivery of some of NATS future critical systems.

Rafael Gallego, Indra Director General, ATM European Programmes, said, “We are extremely pleased to sign this contract and deliver the iTEC system that will support NATS and their future management of UK airspace. This is the culmination of a journey that we started over fifteen years ago in close collaboration with the partners of the iTEC Alliance. With this project, we reiterate our full commitment to the strategic objectives of NATS and of the Single European Sky.”

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