May flight figures show continued decline

06 July 2009

Figures released by NATS show that the number of flights in UK airspace decreased by just over 11 per cent in May 2009, compared to the same month last year.

Controllers at NATS, the UK’s leading air traffic management provider, handled 196,806 flights last month, compared to 221,885 in May 2008. However, the year’s one millionth commercial flight in UK airspace is still expected in June, as in 2008.

All NATS centres, airports and markets showed a decline last month, but some new routes have been opened, including Southampton – Paris, Gatwick – Faro and Manchester – Philadelphia, while flights to Turkey increased by 12 per cent. Flights to long-haul destinations such as the Middle East, Africa and Asia, fared better than European routes, falling by less than 4 per cent.





% gr 2009 to date 2008 to date % gr
UK FLIGHTS 196,806 221,885 -11.3% 877,576 987,502 -11.1%
London Area Control Centre (Swanwick) 162,615 183,800 -11.5% 717,086 804,279 -10.8%
London Terminal Control Centre (Swanwick) 110,781 123,747 -10.5% 504,832 563,978 -10.5%
Manchester Area Control Centre 45,328 51,990 -12.8% 196,044 232,320 -15.6%
Scottish Area Control Centre 49,066 57,226 -14.3% 223,229 257,509 -13.3%
Oceanic Area Control Centre (Shanwick) 34,503 38,971 -11.5% 155,351 168,728 -7.9%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 10,963 12,883 -14.9% 49,824 57,098 -12.7%
Transatlantic Overflights 16,857 18,427 -8.5% 73,843 80,085 -7.8%
Other Arrivals/Departures 121,290 135,568 -10.5% 530,477 595,289 -10.9%
Other Overflights 9,756 11,569 -15.7% 44,318 51,458 -13.9%
Domestic 37,609 43,082 -12.7% 176,971 201,976 -12.4%

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