April air traffic dip exaggerated by 2008’s early Easter effect

18 May 2009

Figures released by NATS show that the number of flights in UK airspace decreased by just over 11 per cent in April compared to the same month last year.

The UK’s leading supplier of air traffic services managed 180,166 flights last month compared to 202,691 in April 2008. However, the gap was more pronounced because the Easter break fell in April this year compared to March in 2008.  Leisure flights increase over holiday periods, whilst the number of business travellers goes down, resulting in a net reduction in flights.

The overall effect of the different dates for bank holidays year on year, has been to enhance the decrease in traffic in April.

All NATS centres, markets and airports recorded a decline last month. International traffic also continued its reduction except for increased flights to Greece (27.5 per cent) and Turkey (12.8 per cent).





% gr 2009    to Date 2008 to Date % gr
UK FLIGHTS 180,166 202,691 -11.1% 680,770 765,617 -11.1%
London Area Control Centre (Swanwick) 147,706 164,950 -10.5% 554,471 620,479 -10.6%
London Terminal Control Centre 102,836 115,584 -11.0% 394,051 440,231 -10.5%
Manchester Area Control Centre 39,960 47,741 -16.3% 150,716 180,330 -16.4%
Scottish Area Control Centre 45,583 52,906 -13.8% 174,163 200,283 -13.0%
Oceanic Area Control Centre (Shanwick) 32,461 34,775 -6.7% 120,848 129,757 -6.9%
Transatlantic Arrivals/Departures 10,066 11,755 -14.4% 38,861 44,215 -12.1%
Transatlantic Overflights 15,253 16,436 -7.2% 56,986 61,658 -7.6%
Other Arrivals/Departures 109,229 121,348 -10.0% 409,187 459,721 -11.0%
Other Overflights 8,717 10,146 -14.1% 34,562 39,889 -13.4%
Domestic 35,876 42,674 -15.9% 139,362 158,894 -12.3%


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